
Sunday, 31 January 2016


Eh kalau bisa balik ke masa lalu, mau balik ke masa yang mana?

Aku akan kembali ke masa SMA. Kenapa?
Karena kalau aku bisa balik ke masa SMA,
aku bisa lebih rajin belajar dan bisa masuk kelas IPA.
Kalau bisa masuk kelas IPA,
pasti aku juga punya kemungkinan untuk jadi dokter gigi.
Iya, setelah aku segede ini,
aku sering menyesal kenapa dulu aku bandel sekali
sampai masuk IPA aja gak mau.
Dulu banyak banget alasan-alasan ngga mau disuruh masuk kelas IPA.
“Enggak ah, aku kan gak bisa kimia”
“Nggak mau, aku IPS aja, banyak temennya” (padahal temennya banyakan kelas IPA)
“Emang kenapa sihhhhh anak IPS?”
Dulu kan masih ‘kecil’,
pemikirannya belum jauh.
Eh sekarang udah gede,
nyeselnya jadi berlipet-lipet.

Hal ini adalah sebuah penyesalan paling besar dalam hidup.
Sampai kapanpun bakal selalu nyesel kalau inget-inget ini.
Apalagi kalau lagi ngerasa gak bisa apa-apa di jurusan yang sekarang.

Kusedi :(

Saturday, 30 January 2016


Hello, young man.
I’m here again. Telling you something. Again.
But do not brave enough to tell directly to you.
So I wish someday you read this.
Here we go...

Lately, in this moment, I wanna thanks to universe to its magical way to make us met.
We completely did not know each other couple years ago.
But then I spent my last two New Year’s Eve(s) with you.
Magical, right? Mysterious.
Am I too cheesy to say things like these? Ha ha. I laugh at myself.

Thanks to the world I met you just a lil bit sooner than other pretty gurls out there.
Thanks to the world a friend of mine is in the same major with you.
Thanks to the world I worked at the mall you went in.
Thanks to the world you came and we met.
Thanks and thanks. And it will never be enough.

You know that past years ago I always blame myself why I did not enter science major at high school and entered dentistry major.
And if I did maybe I did not ever meet you. Ever.
But idk. Dentist still cool. And I still blame myself for that. (And you too, right?)
But over all those things, I thank God for giving me a chance to meet you.
You’re not perfect. And I am too.
But we’re here to fix each other.
If not for ever, then for this time only. Let’s make this time worth to remember.

Thank you I met you. I love you. And I wish you were here.

Eh, jalan-jalan men, yuk?!

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Long time no see y! *basi
Jadi, ceritanya biar rajin ngeblog mau bikin sub pos yang tiap minggu akan diupdate, yang isinya tentang MAKANAN! YEAY!
Kenapa namanya FoodyMoody, gak ada artinya sih, cuma kelihatan dan kedengaran lucu jadi mau dipake aja hihi.
Semoga dengan bikin sub pos gini bikin rajin nulis,

Dhea Swasti Maharani x.